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Aug. 7, 2020 – Pool Reopened – “COVID” Rules Still in Effect

UPDATE: The Mabel Bridge Pool is now open at of 8AM Aug 7, 2020. The water line break has been repaired and the cleaning vendor was able to perform their work last evening. The daily pool maintenance was continued during the pool closure and they will be on site this morning per usual. Please remember that social distancing and new temporary rules are still in effect, as posted. Thank you!

The original announcement about the closure was as follows:

Attention residents, the Mabel Bridge community pool is temporarily closed.

It was discovered today that we have a broken water pipe. Because the water line has been turned off while this is investigated, the showers and bathrooms at the pool are unavailable, and therefore, the pool must be closed.

Our property manager, Maria from Leland Management, is working to secure a plumber for the repair as quickly as possible.

We hope it will be a quick and easy repair, but at this time, we are unsure of the extent of the issue and we cannot offer a re-opening date. Updates will be provided as soon as we know more.

Please do not enter the pool area at this time. Thank you for your cooperation and patience while this issue is addressed.


Attention Residents: Our community pool is open CONTINGENT UPON RESIDENTS FOLLOWING THE RULES provided in the June 5, 2020 announcement, which are posted on every gate, on Facebook, on NextDoor, on this website as well as pictured below.

All amenities are being monitored. If residents are observed violating rules, we will have no choice but to CLOSE THE POOL AND PLAYGROUNDS AGAIN.

In addition to the below, ALL PRE-EXISTING RULES REMAIN IN EFFECT including but not limited to: no propping open of any gates and no scooters or bicycles in the pool area.

Please read the rules carefully. We thank you for your cooperation, so we can continue to operate our amenities safely.

Read the full June 5, 2020 announcement here:

June 5, 2020 – Mabel Bridge Amenities Reopening Announcement

Mabel Bridge Residents,

As explained in our May 30th update, the Board of Directors has been working on a reopening strategy for HOA Amenity Facilities. We have been taking precautions to protect Mabel Bridge residents in every way possible by working closely with and heeding the advice of the HOA legal counsel, the management company and insurance carrier.

At this time, we are happy to share reopening dates along with some important new rules and procedures.


If you would like to review additional communications or details about our efforts in the coronavirus/COVID-19 situation, visit

Once again, we would like to thank you for your patience during this trying time.

–The Mabel Bridge Board of Directors–

May 30, 2020 – Announcement Regarding HOA Amenity Closures / Operations

Once again, we would like to thank you for your patience as we navigate this very difficult situation together as a community. We, your Board of Directors, are volunteers who carry the fiduciary duty to protect all homeowners from exposure to liability and financial risk. We are in the difficult position of balancing governmental guidelines, costs, risks, safety considerations, vendor availability and your requests. We do not take any of these things lightly, and have been attending information sessions as well as seeking the counsel of our management company (Leland Management), our attorney and our insurance providers in an effort to make appropriate and thoughtful decisions on behalf of our community.

At this time, the Board has decided the pool and playgrounds will remain closed.

With this message, we hope to shed some light on the many factors and dependencies we are faced with. We respectfully request that you read this communication in its entirety to help you understand what is being considered and addressed on your behalf.

Operational Requirements – Cleaning, Capacity Limits and Social Distancing

As you likely know, Orange County is in Phase 1 reopening status, which allows the reopening of businesses, gyms, and other non-essential services. The CDC guidelines on cleaning and disinfecting and the social distancing requirements remain in effect at this time and are an integral part of Phase 1. Many of these guidelines and requirements are difficult even for businesses to meet, but they are exceptionally difficult for small, not-for-profit community Associations like ours.

We are aware that other communities have opened some or all their amenities. Other communities may also have received different advice from their legal counsel, or their volunteers may be more willing to accept risk. Other nearby communities may also have trained, on-site staff dedicated to the regular cleaning and sanitization of the amenities (e.g. continuously clean handles, sinks, chairs, slides, and things regularly touched by residents). Our Association does not. We are not currently positioned to comply with the Phase 1 requirements in this regard.

Additionally, without onsite staff or security, our Association will not be able to properly monitor usage in a manner that limits the number of people gathering in the Common Areas (i.e. pool area and playgrounds), ensure the users remain at an adequate distance and otherwise meet the CDC social distancing guidelines. We are simply not equipped to manage capacity limits or social distancing, and we can face fines from Orange County if these things are not properly enforced.

Efforts to Remediate Risk and Reopen Amenities

We want you to know that we have examined workarounds for these issues. Here are some examples and explanations to give you insights into our efforts.

As was explained in a previous communication, regarding access to the Association pool, we are aware that the CDC says there is no evidence that the virus that causes COVID-19 can spread directly to humans from water in pools. But in addition to managing the above requirements, reopening the pool area involves the disinfection of the chairs and tables as well as continuous cleaning of the restrooms and all high-touch surfaces. Furthermore, County and State Health Code require bathrooms to be available in order to operate a commercial pool, so simply removing the furniture and closing the restrooms is not an option.

A logical next step would be to acquire more cleaning services. We examined this, but our existing vendors are not available to clean at the frequencies the guidelines suggest. Contracting with other, new vendors to perform these tasks is not only expensive, but difficult as many are unable keep up with recommended cleaning frequency. We are making progress with one vendor and will continue to work on options to facilitate reopening safely.

If we are unable to maintain cleaning frequency, there is no reason to pursue hiring security or on-site staff for enforcement of capacity limits or social distancing. Again, these agencies face their own risks of liability and employee safety, so we expect difficulty in obtaining a contract for these services as well. If capacity and distancing guidelines are relaxed, it is possible we may be able to go forward without enforcement staff, but it will be heavily dependent on you, our residents, to act in accordance with posted rules.

Another challenge that is driving the focus on limiting risk is that we have been informed by our insurance carrier that we are not covered for any COVID-related claims. Should a lawsuit or other issue arise, we are solely responsible for all costs, including attorney fees for dealing with said issue. Fighting even a frivolous lawsuit could bring thousands of dollars of expenses to the Association. All of us as homeowners are the ones responsible to pay those costs.

Bottom Line

To ensure we are receiving well-rounded advice, the Board president has not only been in regular contact with our Association’s attorney, but he has also attended HOA COVID handling training sessions with three different organizations. All are providing the same advice, and that is Homeowners’ Associations have a duty to protect their residents from reasonably foreseeable harm. One of the most effective ways of protecting the residents while minimizing the Association’s risk of liability exposure in the connection with COVID-19 is to keep the amenities closed in the short term. The closures, while unpopular, are intended to protect the health, safety and welfare of the residents, and to limit the Association’s liability.

Therefore, as it stands today, the decision remains to keep the amenities closed during Phase 1.

Next Steps – Reopening Strategy

To prepare for reopening, the Mabel Bridge HOA Board officers have been actively creating a reopening strategy. A proposal will soon be presented to the Association’s attorney and Leland Management for their feedback and guidance. When the plan is agreed upon and governmental guidelines allow, amenities will likely be opened in phases and with limited accommodations, reduced occupancy maximums and limited hours.

We will continue to monitor the ever-changing situation and the expert opinions provided to us. The next status update will be provided on or around Friday, June 5th, or sooner should there be any changes in the State or County Executive Orders.

Personal Note

We know that many people are unhappy that the amenities are closed. We know that many people are scared and frustrated by the COVID situation as a whole. We get it. We are, too.

Through all of this, we hope you can remember that we are your neighbors. We care very much about our community and that is why we volunteered to carry the weight of these responsibilities on behalf of every homeowner in Mabel Bridge. We are acting in accordance with expert guidance and doing what we think is best to protect the community.

Thank you.

Mabel Bridge Board of Directors

Announcement Regarding HOA Amenity Closures / Operations -May 16, 2020

May 16, 2020

We would like to thank all residents for the patience and understanding you have extended as we navigate this very difficult situation together as a community. As a volunteer Board of Directors, we have been continually working with our management company (Leland Management), our attorney and our insurance provider for their guidance for several weeks now. Our primary goal is, and always will be, safety of the community. Additionally, we are also responsible for protecting association members (i.e. homeowners) from exposure to liability and financial risk.

With these priorities in mind, determining the timing for re-opening of amenities presents a difficult decision for us, your Board of Directors. There are varying opinions from attorneys and insurance experts complicating the matter even more. And while the State has issued guidelines for a “Phase 1” re-opening plan, there are several recommendations that go along with that plan, including controlling group size, enforcing social distancing, and maintaining a level of sanitation that is very difficult for a community association like ours to comply with without on-site staff.

Regarding access to the association pool, we are aware that the CDC says there is no evidence that the virus that causes COVID-19 can spread directly to humans from water in pools. Reopening the pool area, however, also involves the disinfection of the chairs and tables as well as continuous cleaning of the restrooms and high-touch surfaces. State and local Health Code requires bathrooms to be available in order to operate a commercial pool, so simply closing the restrooms is not a feasible option.

For these reasons and more, the safest route is to continue to keep amenities closed for the next ten days and reevaluate at that time (May 26, 2020). This reevaluation date may change if the federal, state, or local government relaxes their recommendations regarding preventative actions such as social distancing and wearing PPE.

We will continue to monitor the ever-changing situation and the expert opinions provided to us. Please rest assured that we are aware of your interest in accessing the amenities and we are working diligently to balance that with our goals of protecting your safety and mitigating legal and financial risk to all of us.

Thank you for your continued patience. We are doing our best during this unprecedented time.

–Mabel Bridge Board of Directors

Attention: Pool & Playgrounds Closed Due to COVID-19

Message below in English, Español and Portugués

As you are aware, the coronavirus (COVID-19) was declared a pandemic by the CDC, and Gov. DeSantis has declared Florida to be in a state of emergency. Businesses and communities are urged to close public facilities to facilitate “social distancing” in an effort to slow the spread of the virus.

As such, we have made the decision to close the Mabel Bridge pool, pool house and playgrounds effectively immediately and until further notice.

We understand that this may be an inconvenience, but the safety of our residents as well as complying with governmental guidance are our top priorities.

During this time, the pool gates will be locked to prevent entry. While we cannot physically lock off the playgrounds, please be advised that our playground facilities are NOT regularly cleaned or sterilized. Some emerging evidence suggests that COVID-19 can remain on surfaces from hours to days. In keeping with our focus on safety, the playgrounds are to be considered closed at this time.

We will be working closely with our management company, our cleaning companies and our legal counsel to determine what, if any, actions we can take in order to re-open these areas in as safe a manner as soon as possible.

Florida Department of Health wants us to remind you that if you are feeling ill or have any questions or concerns, you can contact the Florida Department of Health’s 24-hour hotline that can be reached at ‪1-866-779-6121.  AdventHealth also has a public information line: 877-VIRUSHQ, if you need to ask questions or speak to a nurse.

We appreciate your patience and understanding during this unprecedented time.


Como saben, el CDC declaró que el coronavirus (COVID-19) es una pandemia, y el gobernador DeSantis declaró que Florida se encontraba en estado de emergencia. 

” Se insta a las empresas y comunidades a cerrar las instalaciones públicas para facilitar el “distanciamiento social” en un esfuerzo por frenar la propagación del virus.” comento DeSantis.

Siguiendo su sugerencia,  hemos tomado la decisión de cerrar temporalmente las instalaciones de la piscina Mabel Bridge y sus parques infantiles. Medida que entra en efecto de inmediato y hasta nuevo aviso.

Entendemos que esto puede ser un inconveniente, pero la seguridad de nuestros residentes y el cumplimiento de la orientación gubernamental son nuestras principales prioridades.

Durante este tiempo dificil, las puertas de la piscina estarán cerradas para evitar su uso. Si bien no podemos bloquear físicamente los parques infantiles, tenga encuenta que estas areas e instalaciones NO SE ESTERILIZAN PARA SU USO.  Nueva evidencia, sugiere que el COVID-19 puede permanecer en las superficies durante horas o días. Asi que en consonancia con nuestro enfoque en la seguridad y salubridad,  los parques infantiles deben considerarse cerrados en este momento.

Trabajaremos estrechamente con nuestra compañía de administración, nuestras compañías de limpieza y nuestro asesor legal para determinar qué acciones, si es que hubiere alguna, podamos tomar para reabrir estas áreas de la manera más segura lo antes posible.

El Departamento de Salud de Florida quiere que le recordemos que si se siente enfermo o tiene alguna pregunta o inquietud, puede comunicarse con la línea directa establecida por el Departamento de Salud de la Florida con esta  finalidad las 24 horas del dia y que puede contactar  llamando al 1-866-779-6121. 

AdventHealth también tiene una línea de información pública: 877-VIRUSHQ, si necesita hacer preguntas o hablar con una enfermera.

Agradecemos su paciencia y comprensión durante este tiempo sin precedentes.


Como você sabe, o coronavírus (COVID-19) foi declarado uma pandemia pelo CDC, e o Governador DeSantis declarou que a Flórida está em estado de emergência. Foi solicitado que empresas e comunidades fechem as instalações públicas para facilitar o “distanciamento social”, em um esforço para evitar a propagação do vírus.

Assim, tomamos a decisão de fechar a piscina, a área comum da piscina e os playgrounds do Mabel Bridge imediatamente, até novo aviso.

Entendemos que isso pode ser um inconveniente, mas a segurança de nossos residentes e o cumprimento das orientações governamentais são nossas principais prioridades.

Durante esse período, os portões da piscina serão trancados para impedir a entrada. Embora não possamos bloquear fisicamente os playgrounds, lembre-se de que nossas instalações NÃO são limpas ou esterilizadas regularmente. Algumas evidências sugerem que o COVID-19 pode permanecer na superfície de horas a dias. De acordo com nosso foco na segurança, os playgrounds devem ser considerados fechados no momento.

Trabalharemos em estreita colaboração com nossa empresa de gestão, nossas empresas de limpeza e nosso consultor jurídico para determinar quais ações, se houver alguma, que devemos tomar, para reabrir essas áreas de maneira segura e o mais rápido possível.

O Departamento de Saúde da Flórida solicita que, se você estiver se sentindo mal ou tiver alguma dúvida ou preocupação, entre em contato com a linha direta 24 horas do Departamento de Saúde da Flórida, pelo telefone 1-866-779-6121. A AdventHealth também possui uma linha de informações públicas: 877-VIRUSHQ, se você precisar fazer perguntas ou falar com uma enfermeira.

Agradecemos sua paciência e compreensão durante este período sem precedentes.

Friendly Reminder: Pick up After Pets

Friendly reminder: Pick up after your pets.

Picking up after your pet isn’t just a courtesy, it’s the healthy and environmentally sound thing to do — and required by Orange County Code. When animal feces are left behind, the matter is washed into nearby storm drains by rain and floods. The matter typically drains directly into lakes and streams, carrying pollutants along with it. Untreated water combined with our warm waters in Florida can damage and even kill fish and other wildlife

Failure to pick up your pet’s waste on public ways, recreation areas, or private property could result in a fine as stated in Orange County Code Section 5-42. The fines can range from $84.00 to $110.00.

As a reminder, pet stations with bags and collection receptacles are provided by the HOA for your convenience. Please pick up after your pets to avoid HOA violations and County Fines.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Common Area Pressure Washing – Jan 27, 2020

Attention Residents: An extensive pressure washing project will begin at Mabel Bridge next week on Jan 27, 2020. A crew from The Pressure Guys, LLC will be working to clean all of the common area sidewalks and some additional areas. This project will take some time and some sidewalks or other areas may be blocked while work is being performed. Thank you for your patience and cooperation while this work is completed.

If you have any questions, please contact our property manager.